BCMS Dependencies

When you write your Functions, Events and Jobs you will probably want to install some NPM packages which are not already installed with the CMS (for example axios).

BCMS dependencies allow you to specify which additional NPM packages your project needs.

Adding a dependency

On the instance page, click on Dependencies card, and the Add new dependency button. Package name must be a valid NPM dependency name and Package version must be a valid version of that package.

Add plugin modal

When you add a dependency, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.

Please double-check that you written the dependency correctly. Invalid dependency name it will result in CMS crash, which will start the CMS in the safe mode.

Editing a dependency

On the instance page click on Dependencies card. This will open a modal with list of available dependencies, with Package name and Edit button next to it.

To edit dependency click on Edit button next to the package name you would like to edit.

When you add a dependency, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.

Deleting a dependency

On the instance page click on Dependencies card. This will open a modal with list of available dependencies, with Package name and Edit button next to it.

To delete dependency click on Edit button next to the package name you would like to delete. From here, you can delete dependency by clicking on Delete button in the bottom left corner of the modal.

When you delete a dependency, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.