BCMS Jobs are JavaScript functions that execute at a specified time interval.

To create simple jobs that fit into one .ts file, you can follow the explanation below. For more complex jobs, or when you want to benefit autocomplete, split it into several files, services etc., you can code your jobs locally.

Adding a job

Log in to the BCMS Cloud and open the instance to which you would like to add a job. When on the instance page click on Jobs card. From here, click on Add new job button where you will need to provide a few information:

  • Job name - Can be any name that you like.
  • Cron time - Interval, at which the job will be executed, in Cron job format
  • Global scope - Is the place where you want to do your imports and declare utility functions.
  • Handler scope - Is the code which will be executed at specified interval.
Add plugin modal

When you add a job, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.

Editing a job

When you are on the instance page click on Jobs card. Here you will see the list of all jobs with a job name and Edit button next to it. To edit a job, click on Edit button.

When you eidt a job, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.

Deleting a job

When you are on the instance page click on Jobs card. Here you will see the list of all jobs with a job name and Edit button next to it. To delete a job, click on Edit button and after that click on Delete button in the bottom left corner of the modal.

When you delete a job, CMS will rebuild with new configuration. It'll take a few seconds.